Unofficial DrumIt Five Manual for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Unofficial DrumIt Five Manual for the Blind and Visually Impaired
v1., for OS 1.30.
With kind permission of 2box. 2box and DrumIt Five are trademarks of 2box AB Sweden.
Adapted by with help from Justin Thornton
For a more complete manual please refer to the latest official version available from 2box
This is an unofficial version of the 2box DrumIt Five manual, adapted for the blind and visually impaired. It contains a few changes and additions and has been formatted and shortened for better access.
Each setting page is followed by a shortened list of buttons to access it. For example: "press the KIT button then press the DOWN Button 6 times" is referred to as "KIT, DOWN 6"
Each setting title is followed by the corresponding button: B1 to B3 for top buttons, D1 to D3 for dials.
When working with the DrumIt Five module the buttons should be facing slightly at an up angle with the input/output jacks pointed facing furtherest away from you to follow the alignment included in this manual.
This will give the user the most convenient tactile feedback when operating the module.
Rear Panel
Top row, from left to right:
- OUT5
- OUT3
- OUT1
- TOM4
- TOM3
- TOM2
- TOM1
Bottom row, from left to right:- LINE IN
- OUT6
- OUT4
- OUT2
Top Button Panel
There are three rows of buttons.
On the top left, starting with the top row from top to bottom moving from left to right:
Row1Row2Row3Note: the "more" button is separate from the bottom row of four buttons.
On the right, from top to bottom:
1 round knob located near the top right: LEVEL
3 buttons located above the screen display (from left to right): B1, B2, and B3
2 buttons located on the left hand side of the screen: (top) UNIT, (bottom) KIT
2 buttons located on the right hand side of the screen: (top) UP, (bottom) DOWN
3 turn/click dials located below the screen (from left to right): D1, D2, D3
Note: the dials provide a tactile "click" feedback when they are turned.
Setting Pages
Program: KIT
Drum: KIT, DOWN 1
Envelope: KIT, DOWN 2
Volume: KIT, DOWN 3
Equalizer: KIT, DOWN 4
Accompaniment: KIT, DOWN 6
Mixer: UNIT
Trigger: UNIT, DOWN 1
Spec: UNIT, DOWN 2
HiHat Pedal: UNIT, DOWN 3
Interface: UNIT, DOWN 4
Output: UNIT, DOWN 5
Metronome: UNIT, DOWN 7
Preferences: UNIT, DOWN 9
Memory: UNIT, DOWN 10
Information: UNIT, DOWN 11
Saving Settings
To enable saving settings press UNIT, DOWN 9 then B1 to toggle Save on/off. The SAVE-off mode is useful when several percussionists play on your DrumIt Five and you want to prevent people from tampering with your drum kits and configurations.
Saving Kit Changes
From any kit page: KIT then press B1 twice
Saving Unit Changes
From any unit page: UNIT then B1
Dismissing Kit Changes
If you decide not to save the changes you made simply select another KIT and the changes are lost.
UNDO/REDO Kit Changes
If you press the MORE button before you save, an UNDO function comes up in place of the SAVE function. If you select UNDO, the changes will be reset, but stay cached.
If you press the MORE button once again, you get a REDO option. With this, you can restore your changes.
Kit-Program: KIT
SAVE B1 press twice to save without editing the program name. press once to edit the kit name and select the program location before saving. press once then B2 to set current kit as favorite.
FAVO B1, B2. This will set the current kit as your favorite preset. Any time you restart your module, your favorite kit will be loaded.
UNDO/REDO MORE+B1 To reload the original settings, hold the MORE button and press UNDO. To resume editing, hold the MORE button and press REDO.
STOP B2 stops the accompaniment. Hold 1/2 second to stop all loops.
PLAY/PAUSE B3 starts or stops the accompaniment.
PROGRAM D1 selects the kit program. Single kits are ordered alphabetically after program 100. Click and turn to select by initial letter, click again to select kit by kit.
TIME (kit with wave file): indicates the playing time for the selected file.
PITCH D3 can be set between 0.50 and 1.0. This allows to practice along at a lower speed.
BAR D2 (kit with metronome) type of bar
TEMPO D3 (kit with metronome) sets the beats per minute value. Click to select between changing the value in units or tenths.
Kit-Program (save): KIT
SAVE B1 saves the kit and returns to program select.
COPY B1 (new program location) copies the kit and returns to program select. The kit at the new program location will be overwritten.
MOVE B2 moves the kit and returns to program select. The kits in between the current and new program location will be moved up or down one location as well.
SWAP B3 exchanges the kit at the current location with the one at the new location and returns to program select. At any time one can press KIT to cancel.
PROGRAM D1 selects the program location for the kit to be saved, copied, moved or swapped.
KEY D2 changes the character at the cursor position. Click to insert a space. When clicking directly after changing a character the cursor is moved first.
CURSOR D3 sets the cursor position. Click to delete the current character. Holding MORE and turning CUR will shift the name left or right.
Kit-Drum: KIT, DOWN 1
FILE/FOLD D1 selects the drum sound to be triggered on this channel. Click to change between file or folder browsing.
TUNE D2 adjusts the pitch of the sound. Click to switch between tuning in 100 cent (half note) or 10 cent steps.
VOLUME D3 sets the drum volume. This volume is duplicated on the KIT-Volume page. Note that the volume in the mix is affected by the drum mix volume as well (UNIT-MIX page).
Kit-Envelope: KIT, DOWN 2
SOUND B1 selects between different types of sound within a drum file. After selecting a new file all sound types are active with a default zone mapping. Selecting another combination will divide the sound types evenly over all zones. It allows for example to assign any of the bell, ride or crash sounds of a cymbal to the rim of a pad. In case the drum file is a loop, one can use the SOUND parameter to select Loop (continuous with start / stop) or Solo (one-shot with retrigger). The trigger threshold is raised to -24 dB to prevent accidental triggering. Also, the LAYER and VOICE parameters will be set to Fix and Mono.
- Variable, a certain trigger level will start a semi-random layer as long as it is close to the trigger level.
- Fixed, a certain trigger level will always start the same layer which best matches the trigger level.
- Top, any trigger level will start the top most layer.
VOICE B3 can be Poly or Mono. In the latter case, only one voice will play the drum sound and the trigger threshold is raised to -36 dB to prevent accidental triggering.
ATTACK D1 sets the attack time (default 0 sec).
HOLD D2 sets the hold time (default 0 sec).
DECAY D3 sets the decay time (default infinite).
Kit-Volume: KIT, DOWN 3
EQ B2 selects if the drum channel passes through the equalizer or not. It is only available when the KIT-EQ-BUS parameter is set to Drum. Note: the channel direct out does not pass through the equalizer.
FX D1 sets the effect send volume. This is taken after the main volume (so called post-fader).
BALANCE D2 sets the balance for stereo sounds.
VOLUME D3 sets the drum volume. This volume is duplicated on the KIT-DRUM page. Note that the volume in the mix is affected by the drum mix volume as well (UNIT-MIX page).
Kit-Equalizer: KIT, DOWN 4
CURVE B1 shows the frequency response of the equalizer. Press to reset the EQ to a flat curve, press again to restore the previous settings (convenient for comparing sounds with and without EQ).
FREQ B2 sets the mid band frequency from 125 Hz to 8 kHz in 1 octave steps or for more precise control, click the MID dial and turn to sweep the frequency from 100 Hz to 10 kHz in 1/3 octave steps.
BUS B3 selects the bus on which the equalizer is active, either the Mix, Sub or Drum bus. The last one is a combination of all 15 drum channels, use the KIT-VOL-EQ parameter to select which channels pass the EQ.
LOW band D1 (at 80 Hz) is +-12 dB shelving or low-cut.
MID band D2 (between 100 Hz and 10 kHz) is +-12 dB peak or dip. Click and turn to set the center frequency.
HIGH band D3 (at 12 kHz) is +-12 dB shelving or high-cut.
Kit-Effect (echo): KIT, DOWN 5
TYPE B1 selects the effect type.
LEFT B2 sets the left delay time as a fraction of the total delay time.
RIGHT B3 sets the right delay time as a fraction of the total delay time.
TIME D1 sets the total delay time up to 1 sec. The Syn setting synchronizes the delay time with the tempo of the metronome. Click to select Center, Left or Right for the delay output.
FEEDBACK D2 sets the volume of the delay output going back to the delay input.
VOLUME D3 sets the effect volume. Note that the volume in the mix is affected by the effect mix volume as well (UNIT-MIX page).
Kit-Effect (flanger): KIT, DOWN 5
TYPE B1 selects the effect type.
RATE D1 sets the modulation speed, it can be between 0.1 and 10 Hz.
DEPTH D2 controls the flanger intensity, it can be from 0 to 10.
VOLUME D3 sets the effect volume. Note that the volume in the mix is affected by the effect mix volume as well (UNIT-MIX page).
Kit-Accompaniment (wave file): KIT, DOWN 6
TYPE B1 selects between a wave file or a metronome.
PLAY/STOP B3 starts or stops the wave file.
FILE D1 selects a wave file. Click to select the left chan as the music and the right chan as the click track (or vice versa depending on the way the wave file is recorded). This enables having both music and click in the mix (eg. to the phones) and just the music on the submix (eg. to the line output).
VOLUME D3 sets the volume. Note that the volume in the mix is affected by the accompaniment mix volume as well (UNIT-MIX page).
Kit-Accompaniment (metronome): KIT, DOWN 6
TYPE B1 selects between a wave file or a metronome. The metronome sound is common for all kits and can be selected on the UNIT-METR page.
REP B2 sets the repeat count. Either + (continuously), 1 or 2 bars.
PLAY/STOP B3 starts or stops the metronome.
BAR D1 sets the time signature. Bars from 1/4 to 7/4 and 3/8 to 12/8 can be chosen. The odd bars 5/8 and 7/8 have several formats. The 1/4 bar is convenient when a single accent is sufficient.
TEMPO D2 sets the beats per minute value. Click to select between changing the value in units or tenths.
VOLUME D3 sets the volume. Note that the volume in the mix is affected by the accompaniment mix volume as well (UNIT-MIX page).
Unit-Mixer: UNIT
SAVE B1 saves the unit settings, please make sure save is enabled on the UNIT-PREF page.
UNDO/REDO MORE+B1 To reload the original settings, hold the MORE button and press UNDO. To resume editing, hold the MORE button and press REDO.
FADER B2 selects the 3 volume faders to be controlled by the 3 parameter dials.
KICK, SNARE, HIHAT or TOMS, CYMBS, PERC each control the drum volume of one or more drum channels. This volume is in addition to the volume as set on the KIT-DRUM page. The assignment of each drum channel to a particular fader is done on the UNIT-INTF page.
FX, LINE, ACMP control the volume of the effect, line input and accompaniment. This volume is in addition to the volume as set on the KIT-FX and KIT-ACMP page (the line input volume is only on the mix page).
Note: on this page there is also a VU meter that shows the left and right signal level of the mix.
Unit-Trigger (per channel): UNIT, DOWN 1
TYPE B1 should be set to match the connected trigger source.
- Kick1 or 2: DrumIt kick pad with faster or slower response.
- Pad8, 10 or 12: DrumIt snare and tom pads.
- Rim: rim of the DrumIt pads.
- Cym12 or 14: DrumIt cymbal pads with choke.
- CyCup or CyEdg: generic cymbal pads with a cup or edge switch.
- HiHat: DrumIt hihat pad.
- AcTr1, 2 or 3: acoustic trig mics on drums of increasing size.
XTALK B2 reduces crosstalk coming from pads on other channels, it can be Off (no suppression), Low, Med or High (max suppression).
GAIN D1 should be set so only a hard hit gives full trig level (0 dB). The maximum gain is 24 dB. From 12 dB and upwards, the threshold is increased to avoid stray triggering. When the TYPE is Cym12 or 14, the GAIN parameter has an extra cup value selectable between Low, Medium or High. First turn GAIN so only hard hits on the bow give full level on zone 4. Then click GAIN so only hard cup hits give full level on zone 1. Note: only relatively hard cup hits result in zone 1, otherwise zone 4.
THRESHOLD D2 should be low enough to pass soft hits, but high enough to avoid stray triggering. The value can be between -48 dB and -12 dB.
CURVE D3 sets the mapping between stroke force in and trig level out.
- Neg2 or 1 result in lower levels at medium strokes.
- Norm has a linear relation between stroke force and trig level.
- Pos1 or 2 result in higher levels at medium strokes.
- Lin1 or 2 are tilted and start at -36 or -24 dB at low stroke force.
- Max1 or 2 are fixed at -6 or 0 dB independent of stroke force.
Unit-Spec: UNIT, DOWN 2
MASK D1 from Off to 9. The mask is a time limit for accepting new trigger signals to avoid double triggering issues. Increase the value to increase the minimum amount of time to accept a new trigger signal.
Unit-HiHat Pedal: UNIT, DOWN 3
CALIB B1 calibrates the hihat. Loosen the hihat and let it rest on the hihat receiver. Press CALIB to store the closed position. Open the hihat to the position where the sound should just reach completely open and press CALIB once more to store the open position.
MIDI B2 selects between continuous controller 1 or 4. The CC value range can be set from 0 when open to 127 when closed or from 0 when closed to 127 when open. Pedal down transmits control change and note on, the corresponding note off is send when the pedal moves up again. A short time between down and up results in a foot splash, a longer time results in a foot chick.
SENS D2 sets the sensitivity +-6 dB. Adjust it so only a firm foot down gives full trig level (0 dB).
CURVE D3 has 9 settings (see UNIT-TRIG).
Unit-Interface (per channel): UNIT, DOWN 4
ZONES B2 amount of zones for each channel. It depends on the trigger type (see UNIT-TRIG) and corresponds to the amount of MIDI notes used. So if NOTE is E4 and ZONES is 4, the MIDI notes actually used are E4, F4, F#4 and G4.
FADER B3 selects the fader which controls the volume in the mix.
CHAN D1 selects the MIDI channel on which to receive and transmit note on and off messages.
NOTE D2 selects the MIDI note for the note on and off messages. If the associated trigger type has more than one zone (like cup, bow, edge and choke), the additional zones are mapped onto consecutive higher notes. Click to switch between note name and note number.
MIDI note 0 corresponds to C-1 and note 60 to C4. This configuration allows all drum channels to be played from a standard MIDI keyboard with the modulation wheel as the hihat pedal. If recording on a sequencer, one can set the drum channels on individual MIDI channels so they end up on separate tracks.
BUS D3 selects the bus for direct out. It can be any bus (pair) from 1 to 8 or off. The order is off, 1, 1+2, 2, 3, 3+4, 4, 5, 5+6, 6, 7, 7+8, 8. Note that the drum volume, as set on the KIT-DRUM page, affects the direct out level, but the drum mix volume does not.
Unit-Output: UNIT, DOWN 5
LINE B1 can be Mono or Stereo. When mono, only the tip signal on the line input is used for both left and right. When stereo, the tip signal is left and the ring signal is right.
SUB D1 selects a combination of the mix channels for the submix bus. Turn to select a source and click to switch it in or out of the submix. There are 5 different sources.
- Drums: kick, snare, hihat, toms, cymbals and percussion.
- Fx: effect.
- Line: line input.
- Wave: accompaniment wave file.
- Metr: accompaniment metronome.
This allows for example to make a mix for recording or PA with just the drums and effect while still having all channels to the phones. The channel volumes of the submix are the same as those for the mix and are set on the UNIT-MIX page.
OUT1-2 D2 selects which audio bus is routed to output 1 and 2. Either the Mix, Mix!, Sub, Sub! or 1+2! bus. Mix and Sub are controlled by the LEVEL knob, the other ones are at a fixed level.
PHONES D3 selects which audio bus is routed to the headphones output. This can be the Mix, Sub, 1+2, 3+4, 5+6, 7+8 or 7+8! bus. The level is controlled by the LEVEL knob, except for the 7+8! bus selection which has a fixed level equal to the other line outputs. Bus selections with an exclamation mark have a fixed output level, so be careful with the volume setting of the connected device.
This page displays the levels for Line-In, Outputs and Phones.
Unit-Metronome: UNIT, DOWN 7
FILE/FOLD D1 selects the sound which is played by the metronome (see KIT-ACMP). Click to change between file or folder browsing.
TUNE D2 adjusts the pitch of the sound. Click to switch between tuning in 100 cent (half note) or 10 cent steps.
DECAY D3 sets the decay time (default infinite). Turn to the left to set shorter times. This is useful to make sounds more suitable as metronome click.
PROGRAM CHANGE B1 can be On or Off. This is valid for both receive and transmit.
LOCAL B2 can be On or Off. When off it disables the triggers to the internal sounds to avoid double triggering when an external sequencer echos back note on/off data.
THRU B3 can be On or Off. It selects if MIDI in data is passed on to MIDI out. This allows a MIDI master to control the DrumIt Five plus additional MIDI instruments connected to DrumIt Five. Note: sysex messages will be passed on empty.
CHANNEL D1 is the common MIDI channel on which to receive and transmit program changes and note triggers. Each drum channel can have an individual MIDI channel for note triggers (see UNIT-INTF).
Unit-Preferences: UNIT, DOWN 9
SAVE B1 can be On or Off. This is valid in both unit and kit mode.
MIXER B3 selects the way the faders are displayed on the UNIT-MIX page.
TRIGGER D1 sets the top panel button trigger level in dB. The maximum is 0 dB and the minimum -48 dB. It can also be turned off.
FADER D2 selects the fader name to be edited, turn to choose between fader 1 to 6. The assignment of a drum channel to a specific fader is made on the UNIT-INTF page.
INIT D3 selects the unit or kit settings to be re-initialized. Either Unit, Kit1 to Kit100, Kit Program or All. Click to perform the initialization. The init data is read from the DrumItInit.dkit file in the root folder. If one wants to make a personal init settings file, one can copy the current DrumIt.dkit file and rename it to DrumItInit.dkit.
Unit-Memory: UNIT, DOWN 10
This page displays memory information: amount of files and folders, flash memory size, used and free space.
Unit-Information: UNIT, DOWN 11
This page displays unit information: DrumIt Five serial number, boot program and OS version.