SDSE: Simple Drum Sounds Exporter
From VST to WAV, DSND and DKIT in one click Read More DrumIt Manager: more tools for your 2Box DrumIt Five and DrumIt Three
2box kit editor, manage your .dkit files, tune your .dsnd files Read More Closemul: emulator frontend helper
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- support for Steven Slate Drums 5.5 (SSD5.5)
- 2box: .dsnd files are now converted directly without DSoundTool (Java 64-bit is not required any more)
- 2box velocity curve: improved the 2box Editor option, improved curve for articulations with a low maximum volume
- 2box velocity curve: new VST and DR curves (the 2box Editor option is recommended but you can try the DR curves for a steeper curve that may increase dynamic range)
- Superior Drummer 3 SD3: hit variation and voice and layer are set when using SD3 v3.1.7
- Steven Slate Drums SSD4, SSD5, SSD5.5: support exporting one-shot samples loaded separately without being layered on kit pieces (preferably on MIDI notes 1-10 or notes used by the main kit)
- Zones: the Snare Rim velocity switch option can be used with modules other than the 2box DrumIt.
- Options: faster load/save (for Windows 10 in particular)
- Options, Advanced: set Release Control to "after render" if you need to use the computer while the files are processed.
- Export: improved regions set up